

With over 35 years of experience in playing and recording many instruments, plus, the same time-served in songwriting, production, mixing and mastering, GFS.ROCKS is the perfect place to enhance your music.

We offer a range of services including mixing, mastering, production, guitar and bass tracking, full song reworking, live drum tracks, specialised programmed drums, vocal tracks, and to top that off, super accurate time and pitch editing for many instruments.

Music Production

This service is quoted on a per song basis.
There are too many variables to give a fixed quote.
If you only have a vocal melody, there is much work to do!
If you've almost finished your song, but need guidance we can do that too!

Either way, at any stage of the writing process, we can help elevate your idea to the next level!

Please contact us for more information.


Audio Editing

Are you in search of top-tier audio editing services on the web?
We specialise in professional tuning and alignment services, all under the expert guidance of our audio engineer, Mark Pullin.
With a wealth of experience and an unwavering commitment to achieving the finest sound quality, that will take your music a notch higher. Whether you’re an aspiring musician or a seasoned artist, is your go-to platform for all your audio editing requirements.
We handle everything - from refining drum performances to tightening guitar solos, or enhancing vocals that have great expression, but lack good timing and pitch.
Get in touch with us today to discover how we can elevate your music to extraordinary levels.



All of our mixing is done using industry standard software and outboard analogue equipment.
Depending on your brief and the source tracks provided, we will endeavour to augment and enhance your music to the highest of levels. If you have baked in sounds and you are happy with the production, we will carefully introduce all of the necessary components to make your work shine, without altering the vibe and feel.
If you require more creative mixing and want the overall sound to be different, this can be achieved, but will require dry, raw recordings and DI tracks of electric instruments such as guitar and bass. This gives us the ability to change your sound, closer to something you want. The process will take longer than basic mixing because it involves production skills.



Mastering isn't a dark art, but it does require good ears to get you music to the finish line. It is after all, the final and very crucial stage in music production. If you want to give your music the enhancement it deserves, improve the overall sound and maintain consistency, when releasing an album, you need to master.
Now, with all the AI mastering services available you can get your tracks closer to being finished, but although some AI is good at adding EQ, subtle saturation, compression, clipping and limiting (depending on the source material), there are some things it simply cannot do.
If you have a great mix, then AI mastering might serve you well, but if you have frequency build ups, unpleasant resonances, the occasional click or glitch, or simply lacking dynamics, AI mastering can't solve these problems.
That's where a real mastering engineer is needed. We love solving all of the problems mentioned above! We also do stem mastering (essentially mixing) if needed. Stem mastering gives deeper control over the elements within a song. When stem mastering we always aim to achieve the same results we get from a well mixed stereo track.


Repairs & Restoration

We receive many files within sessions that are not useable, due to poor recording. Some of the repairs can be done in a mix session, but most of the time the individual files need closer attention. There is a limit to how well you can repair bad, or old recordings, depending on the problem, but we do our very best!
- Plosives, pops, clicks, scratches, finger slides on stringed instruments etc, can be almost completely removed, or cleaned up to the point that they become inaudible in the mix.
- EMI and mains interference can ruin a good take - this can also be cleaned up within reason.
- Bleed from other sound sources can be cleaned up, improving separation and clarity.
- Removing excessive ambience from bad recordings is critical if you want to use them within a mix. You might have the greatest vocal take ever, but the
ambient space captured in a recording is completely wrong.
We can also clean up and rebalance stereo files of your old songs! Whether its a copy of your old vinyl, or and dusty old tape recording, we can make it sound better.
